Tuesday, August 25, 2009

My TV guilty pleasure

America's Next Top Model, I always tell people that I watch it as a photographer, but it is alot more than that. I like to judge the models. I cheer on the ones that I like and bash the ones I don't. I find myself making references to it in my day to day life. "Smile with your eyes." You have to be 'fierce."

So, what do you find yourself secretly watching?


  1. Wow, I have to give this some thought. I will say your post "tickled me".

  2. I find myself watching infomercials for pecker pills. I think it's more I'm too tired/ lazy to find the remote that early in the morning than I actually give a damn about the pills. At the very least I now know sluts care a lot about your "man parts" than personality.


Comments make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside, well unless they are mean comments, but you wouldn't do that would you?