Sunday, July 5, 2009

What a fun day

My niece and nephew are in town. Yay! We got to see them at the park today, we had alot of fun! It was great to get hugs from them.

That one of Zach looks like a headless spiderman, teehee.

I can’t wait to do all sorts of fun things with them, It’s so great having them here!

Another one to add to my favorites

So bugs make me uncomfortable, not that I am afraid of them, we just don’t get along very well.  But whenever I see them I try to get in close to take a picture of them.  Call me a masochist.

DSC_0101This little guy wasn’t too bad, he kept spinning around.  I honestly think he had an itch and he was trying to reach it.

I really like this next picture.  I took it blind, holding the camera down at ground level and shooting up.  When I looked at the picture on the camera I was very pleased.  It’s my new wallpaper.


James liked the second one I tool better.  Which do you like?
