Wednesday, August 26, 2009

My childhood fantasy

I swear I could fly as a child. I very clearly remember being in my backyard, we were playing tag or something, and I am positive that I flew up to the top of the garage and then jumped down behind it to get away. I don't think anyone saw me and I haven't been able to do it again, but I keep trying when no one is looking.


  1. That would explain how you got to tops of monkey bars and over fences in the blink of an eye!!!!

  2. That's a really good point.

    So what was your childhood fantasy?

  3. It's not fit to print, at least here anyhow.

  4. I mean when you were a little kid,


Comments make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside, well unless they are mean comments, but you wouldn't do that would you?