Friday, August 14, 2009

Did you notice my new Favicon?

I hope it works. (it's up there in the awesome bar). I'm excited by the little things! Hmm, it only seems to show up in firefox. Can you see it?

I need a caption for this picture

Any ideas?


Thursday, August 13, 2009

More pictures from the fair

I thought I would post some more pictures from today.
Don’t they make a cute team?

The thrill seeker

Remember a few posts ago where I commented on how brave my little niece is? Well, she really proved it today! We joined the kids at the county fair and Ri would have ridden every ride if she were only tall enough. The rides she was tall enough to ride she went on all by herself. Her older brother rode them in the beginning but made the mistake of riding one of those that spun too much, so he was down for the count. They should have a pepto bismal booth. DSCN0778 This is pre-whirly ride, have you ever seen a kid having more fun?

Sunday, August 9, 2009

The wondrous Bun girls and their amazing jumping part two


The wondrous Bun girls and their amazing jumping


McCarthy Party

I like the sound of that. So today the family got together for a picnic and despite the 90ยบ weather we had some fun. My brother and I got to play frisbee which was really nice, we haven’t done that in years and I got to see the “wondrous Bun girls and their amazing jumping.” At least that’s what I’m calling them, they are really good, they should go on tour, they already have the matching swimsuits.

DSC_0115Awww, isn’t he cute. I don’t know but I think he might be smiling with his eyes! CSC_0028I really like this shot of Ri, she likes to ham it up in front of the camera, so it’s nice to get one of her. DSC_0009Ri is trying to convince Uncle James to come in the pool. DSC_0011 It didn’t work so she figured she would take matters into her own hands.DSC_0013 Zach is like a pool boy scout, he’s ready for anything.DSC_0032A sweet father-daughter moment, right after this picture was taken he threw her into the pool. DSC_0053I love this shot of Lily. She’s always so happy DSC_0084I can’t tell if she is relaxing or not?

DSC_0052 See what I mean, my little ham.