Thursday, September 3, 2009

My Bucket List

I was thinking today about my bucket list.  I've got three things on it that I can think of off the top of my head.  Go through a corn maze, try blowing glass and throwing pottery.  I think those things would bu cool to do.  What's on you list?


  1. I think you would be good at throwing have a pretty good arm ;)

    1) Go on a honeymoon.
    2) Go on a family family I mean with my children & grandchildren.
    3) Go to a "Fat Farm".
    4) Learn sign language.

  2. I think I may see a vacation in your future!

  3. I agree with DD. Just watch out for flying shards of pottery.

    My List (in no certain order)
    1) Climb a mountain
    2) Sky Dive
    3) Adopt kids
    4) See the kid(s) graduate, get married, etc
    5) Buy land in Alaska
    6) Build a house on the land in AK
    7) Set up a dog rescue in AK


Comments make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside, well unless they are mean comments, but you wouldn't do that would you?