Tuesday, August 18, 2009

When I'm a multi-millionaire, some vacation is in order

If I sold my company for $100 million dollars I would take my whole family on a cruise, a super duper cruise with the big fancy rooms that have bathtubs in them. I'd like to think after that I would invest the money wisely but who knows.


  1. So what would you do if you got $100 million dollars?

  2. I probably wouldn't tell anyone. Nobody would be none the wiser. BTW, who are you trying to BS? You'd totally waste it on candy bars and cake...

  3. Don't you remember all of the desserts on the cruise? There is a method to my madness.

  4. I would gather up my husband, children & grandchildren and take a world cruise...think of the memories we could make!! Then I'd get on one of those diet plans where the food is delivered...start college funds for each of the grandchildren, etc.


Comments make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside, well unless they are mean comments, but you wouldn't do that would you?