Saturday, September 19, 2009

Blogging on the road

Comfy bed, an indoor pool, a whirlpool, it doesn't get much better. Right now there are six pillows on the bed. I'm in heaven.
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It was a pretty sunset tonight.


  1. Like you really need all those pillows.

  2. Of course she does...five for her and one for you. =D
    How did you get six pillows?
    Is the 212 sign your room?
    If so, is it really that tricky to get in the room (the road sign)?

  3. The room has two beds so I took the pillows from the other bed. They are nice pillows. Yep, we are in room 212. I like all of the room numbers, they have all different pictures. One room had a fireworks store sign, I figure that must be the honeymoon suite. Teehee.

    Still no picture for you? Try hitting the preview button and you should see the add image option.

  4. So the sign for your room number didn't mean there were sharp curves to deal with as you entered the room?

  5. Yay a picture! No, the hallway is quite straight.

  6. I was thinking I would have gotten ticketed for going way slower then the posted speed limit. =D

    It worked by going to preview to add the image.


Comments make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside, well unless they are mean comments, but you wouldn't do that would you?