Monday, October 5, 2009

Something awful happened to me today.

James and I decided to do the Lake to Lake walk again today.  Everything was going well until we stopped at the overlook thing about a quarter of the way in.  I went to say something to James and a ladybug flew into my mouth.  YUCK!  It tasted terrible!  I don’t think it got past my teeth but I tasted it on my lips for several minutes after spitting it out.  They say that insects use bright colors as a warning to predators that they are poisonous or that they taste nasty, that is very true. 

Other than that incident the walk was great!  We saw deer, turtles, ducks and even a hawk.

Here is a shot of the offending bug.DSC_0195 I know you feel my pain.


  1. At least it wasn't a fly that was eating poop!

  2. Immediately upon reading this my hand shot up to cover my mouth...YUCK! 8-{}
    At least you got a cool picture of it so other people can be warned, maybe you should post warning signs with the picture so people know what to look out for...

  3. SoulMotor...Um, thanks, that made me feel so much better!

    D-D...I'm so glad to know you feel for me! I had James take a picture of me with my hand over my mouth. I love your little emoticon! That is great!

  4. I made the little emoticon based on my reaction to your post...I think if you were looking at me you would have been able to see my eyes!!

  5. Wow-too bad Len wasn't around to see.

  6. I thought about yelling for him & your dad to come out and see but didn't think I could keep them open long enough.


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