Monday, October 12, 2009

I’m a leaf peeper!

James and I spent some time in the park yesterday. It was a cool and crisp day and the leaves were so pretty. It was exciting for us because we ended up in a part of the park we had never been before. It was Bridal Veil Falls in the Bedford Reservation. We spend a good amount of time in the park system so it is somewhat rare for us to end up in a new area. The colors were stunning.  This isn't the actual Bridal Veil waterfall, but I really liked all of the color.DSC_0029


  1. This is gorgeous!!!! Did you take any pictures of the Bridal Veil?

  2. I did take some pictures of the Bridal Veil but I liked this one best. More to come tomorrow.

  3. I look forward to seeing more =D

  4. you have beautiful pics on your blog. thank you for sharing :) -roxi


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